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Progressive Optometry has actually been a part of Browz Eyeware for a number of years. Nothing is changing aside from our sign! Hope to see you soon!


Visual Perceptual Evaluation

A set of standardized tests is used to evaluate your child’s ability to process visual information. This helps us understand whether your child’s struggles with learning new words, reading and/or math have a visual component. Below are the various aspects of vision that may evaluated. Because vision is a learned skill, we can train and improve the accuracy and efficiency of visual perception through a program of vision therapy.

The following areas may be assessed:

  • Visualization – the ability to form mental image and the ability to manipulate details in one’s mind. Important in reading comprehension and math.
  • VisualMotor Integration – evaluates the ability to match motor output with visual input. Crucial for handwriting accuracy and efficiency.
  • Visual Sequential Memory – the ability to remember objects or words in the sequence they appear. Deficit in this area may result in misreading words such as ‘saw’ and ‘was.’
  • Spatial Orientation – required in understanding and recognizing the direction of objects. Deficit in this area lead to letter (b, d, p, q) and number (6 vs. 9) reversals.
  • Spatial relations – the ability to perceive the position of two or more objects in relation to each other and in relation to oneself. An important skill in problem-solving, high-level math, and proper spacing between words when writing a sentence.
  • Visual Discrimination – the ability to differentiate between two similar looking objects, shapes or words such as ‘horse’ and ‘house.’
  • Visual Closure – ability to visualize a complete whole when given incomplete information or a partial picture. Important skill in speed reading and math.


We are excited to announce that our McLeod Trail office has officially merged with our 130th ave location to provide our patients with extended hours, updated technology, and optimal care. Come visit us at our new home!

McLeod Trail & South Trail Crossing Merger

We are excited to announce that our McLeod Trail office has officially merged with our 130th ave location to provide our patients with extended hours, updated technology, and optimal care. Come visit us at our new home!